Drink & Draw with Kate Charlesworth, Hannah Eaton and Jenny Robins

We’re gearing up for the next Drink & Draw! No clue what we’re on about? It’s a live monthly drawing session organised by Gosh! Comics and Broken Frontier, usually held at a pub in London but now virtually on Twitter. Anyone can take part, just follow the hashtag #GoshBFDD, go to ‘latest’ posts and bask in the steady flow of highly entertaining jokes and drawings.
There will be THREE drawing rounds over the course of the evening, supplied by comic artists Hannah Eaton, Kate Charlesworth and Jenny Robins. Everyone has half an hour to draw and tweet a pic of their response, making sure to use the hashtag so we can all see. (you can also just watch and drink, ignoring the draw part, and add witty comments on everyone else’s work.) Each round of artwork will be judged and chosen (VERY INFORMALLY) by each promptee.
First round starts at 7.30 pm BST on Thursday 1 October: get ready!

Note: Drinks and paper not supplied.

Link: https://twitter.com/hashtag/goshbfdd?f=live