Comica Conversation at Orbital Comics

‘On 26 November 2011 the Orbital West Wing hosted a Comica conversation between graphic novelists Nicola Streeten and Sarah Leavitt. Nicola and Sarah have each used comics to address traumatic, highly personal experiences in their lives – Sarah Leavitt’s moving graphic memoir Tangles, published by Jonathan Cape, chronicles how Alzheimer’s disease transformed her mother, and those around her, forever. Nicola Streeten’s Billy, Me and You is a retrospective reflection of the experience of losing her two year old child thirteen years ago. In this fascinating conversation, they talk about both their books, share their experiences and discuss the use of comics to address such emotional subjects. The Orbiting Pod, ably hosted by Camila at Orbital Comics, recorded the whole thing for your listening pleasure. This is an enhanced podcast, with embedded images accompanying the audio. It’s best viewed on itunes or quicktime.’

You can listen to the podcast here.